Policies and documents
Bosnia and Herzegovina took a proactive approach when it comes to the policies in the area of gender equality. But the Gender action plan is not the only source of gender equality activities. Thanks to our efforts and to the efforts of our gender focal points there is a number of public policies at all levels of government.
SPECIFIC SECTORS PUBLIC POLICES which are coordinated by the Agency or the gender centers.include
- Action Plan on the Implementation of Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (2010-2013)
- Strategy to implement the Council of Europe, Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence
- Action plan for the improvement of Status of Rural Women
- Action plan for Gender-Responsible Budget
Bellow you will find a number of these gender equality public policies and tools which are available in English.
Sastanak Koordinacionog odbora za nadzor nad implementacijom Rezolucije UN-a 1325 u Bosni i Hercegovini
Saopštenje za javnost povodom sve učestalije pojave seksizma, mizoginije i stereotipa na osnovu pola u javnom diskursu
New ODIHR publication on increased participation of women in politics
Strategy to implement the Istanbul Convention adopted