About us

The Agency is mandatet to perform following tasks within its jurisdiction:
- Present and analyse status of gender equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina on basis of reports developed by the Agency and reports from entities’ gender centres and produces annual report for the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina. On grounds of results from analysis and monitoring, the Agency shall produce special reports, opinions, suggestions and recommendations to be delivered to competent bodies at the state level.
- Determine methodology for developing report on gender equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- Initiate and coordinate development of the Gender Action Plan of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in cooperation with entities’ gender centres, which is adopted by the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- Monitor application and coordinate activities with all relevant subjects in the Gender Action Plan of Bosnia and Herzegovina implementation process from Article 21, paragraph 3 of this Law;
- Cooperate with institutional mechanisms for gender equality in institutions at the state level;
- While preparing drafts and proposals of laws, by laws and other norms, strategies, plans and programs, and before these are delivered to the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, provide opinion on compliance of these acts with the Law and international standards on gender equality;
- Provide initiative and participate in preparation of laws, by laws and other acts, strategies, plans and programs, that are adopted at the state level, in order to determine measures for achieving gender equality in all spheres of social life;
- Give initiative to initiate procedure to change and amend regulations in case of incompliance with provisions of this Law, domestic and international standards in gender equality;
- Consider depositions and complaints of citizens that point to violation of a certain right from this Law;
- The Agency for Gender Equality of Bosnia and Herzegovina shall adopt Unified Rules for Consideration of Depositions and Complaints of Citizens from paragraph 9 of this Article;
- Present and coordinate activities, within its jurisdiction, at international and regional level;
- Monitor implementation of this Law, and together with the Gender Centre of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Gender Centre of the Republika Srpska shall prepare reports on fulfilment of international obligations in gender equality sphere;
- Cooperate within its jurisdiction with non-governmental organizations that deal with protection of human rights and freedoms;
- Perform activities in order to promote gender equality;
- Perform all other duties in order to implement this Law.
Contact Us
Dubrovačka 6
71000 Sarajevo
00 387 (0) 33 209-761