the Agency for Gender Equality of Bosnia and Herzegovina
The inclusion of the principle of gender equality in all areas of social life and work in public and private life represents the realization of one of the basic standards of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
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Sastanak Koordinacionog odbora za nadzor nad implementacijom Rezolucije UN-a 1325 u Bosni i Hercegovini
Agencija za ravnopravnost polova Bosne i Hercegovine, Ministarstva za ljudska prava i izbjeglice BiH, 20-21.2.2025....

Saopštenje za javnost povodom sve učestalije pojave seksizma, mizoginije i stereotipa na osnovu pola u javnom diskursu
U Bosni i Hercegovini su u posljednje vrijeme sve učestalije pojave seksizma, mizoginije i stereotipa na osnovu spola...

New ODIHR publication on increased participation of women in politics
A new publication examining the progress made in achieving gender equality in politics was presented by the Director...

Strategy to implement the Istanbul Convention adopted
Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted its Framework Strategy for the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on...

Celebrating the entry into force of the Istanbul Convention
In partnership with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Italian Chamber of Deputies, the Council of Europe...

New 1325 Action plan adopted
The Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted the Action plan for implementation of UNSCR...

UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and NATO
Gender Mainstreaming: Indicators for the Implementation of UNSCR 1325 and its Related Resolutions was workshop...

IFC Conference Urges Private Sector Commitment to Women’s Employment
IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, organized an event in Belgrade, Serbia mid May of 2014 with more than 70...
The BiH gender action plan for the period 2018-2022 contains measures that will be implemented in order to realize three strategic goals aimed at creating, implementing and monitoring a program of measures to improve gender equality in government institutions by priority areas